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Do you need longer-term support and coaching? It is possible with this 40-hour package which allows for more in-depth follow-up and coaching with your digital marketing needs and requirements.

For example, here are some topics that we can discuss:

– The effectiveness of your marketing strategy both online and offline: which tool to choose and why? Examples of best practices here or abroad.
– Should my organization invest in social media? We have a Facebook page but there is little interaction … how can we move the needle?
– Should I move away from traditional marketing and advertise more online? How can we measure efforts?
– Is my website performing well? What should the priorities be and how can we optimize?
– Or more technical questions related to your content management on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter or your website, for example.


Meetings are carried out virtually with a screen sharing platform so that we can share our respective screens, if necessary, or in person if travel is possible. Additional fees may apply.

Please note that the hour banks must be used within 12 months of purchase. A confirmation email will be sent to you in order to schedule a first conversation on the platform of your choice (Zoom, Skype, Hangout, phone, etc.).