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Ever since OpenAI launched ChatGPT to the general public at the end of 2022, all spheres of our lives have been impacted by the potential stemming from these large language models (LLM). This is also true in the travel and hospitality vertical, where generative AI can both help and hinder, depending on your perspective as a consumer, a travel advisor or service provider (accommodation, transportation, restaurants, attractions, etc.).

But what is generative AI anyway? And why should you bother with ChatGPT if you don’t even create copy or content?

During this 60 minutes keynote, we cover:

  • The definition of generative AI and why tools like ChatGPT are a sweeping tidal wave that won’t go away
  • The various tools that we can use for text, images, audio and video
  • Use cases and best practices for travel and hospitality brands, here and abroad, with real-life examples
  • Questions & answers

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