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            [0] => Complete website and social media audit (diagnostic), including continuous performance analysis throughout the year and monthly performance reports.

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The premium audit goes beyond the analysis report of your web presence, by offering you a continuous performance analysis over a period of 12 months. In addition to the elements of the intermediate audit, we add additional keywords and a comparative analysis for two additional competitors. We’ll also give you an analysis of your online presence and advise you on what to do in a 90-minute private consultation by phone, Skype or Google Hangouts.

The premium package thus includes an initial consultation to properly configure your Google Analytics with our strategist. A monitoring of your website will also be carried out by means of monthly reports. You will also benefit from our consulting services on performance analysis during this period.

The premium audit contains:

  • Basic diagnosis
  • SEO web analysis
  • Mobile Web performance
  • Facebook presence analysis
  • Portrait of your company on comment websites
  • Synthesis report
  • Ergonomic analysis of your website
  • Overview of traffic and your Google positioning for 5 keywords
  • Comparative analysis vs 3 competitors
  • Analysis of your online presence
  • Recommendations report
  • 60 mins private consultation by phone, Skype or Google Hangouts
  • Continuous performance analysis throughout the year
  • Monthly performance reports