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NOTE 2 : Once you have registered for online training, you will have access to videos and PDFs for an uninterrupted period of 180 days. Your registration expires after this period.

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Welcome to the age of generative artificial intelligence (AI) for businesses! AI tools such as the popular ChatGPT are revolutionizing the world of marketing, offering unprecedented opportunities to drive business growth and success. Imagine being able to harness the full potential of AI tools for social media management, optimized content creation and data analysis. Artificial intelligence can support you at various stages of your digital marketing journey.

Are you ready to ramp up your digital marketing and harness the full potential of generative AI?

Discover the basics of artificial intelligence, effective prompts and how its use in digital marketing is revolutionizing the travel landscape. You’ll understand how AI can optimize your advertising campaigns, automate certain tasks and improve your content strategy.

And that’s not all! This online training session brings together the concrete benefits of using ChatGPT in your travel marketing. From content personalization to analytics, you’ll see how AI can boost user engagement and increase your conversions. We’ll also discuss the new AI tools that are springing up like hotcakes, such as Jasper AI, MidJourney or Synthesia.

ChatGPT et IA générative
ChatGPT and generative IA


Dive into the fascinating world of AI for travel marketing!


  • Brief history and overview of AI and generative AI tools up to date;
  • Create editorial content for social networks, blog posts and other communication needs for travel and hospitality brands
  • Optimize your SEO strategies with ChatGPT
  • Create images with tools such as Dall-E or MidJourney
  • Other concrete examples of how travel organizations are using generative AI to increase productivity!
  • A 10-minute Q&A session at the end of the session


  • Marketing and communications managers working in travel and hospitality
  • Small and medium-sized business owners and employees responsible for digital marketing
  • Anyone interested in the AI phenomenon and its potential use in a business context, specially in the travel and hospitality sphere

This webinar is available now, as it was recorded during a recent live broadcast.

Register for this webinar
