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            [0] => Formation d’une demi-journée (3.5 heures), éligible au Québec sous la Loi favorisant le développement et la reconnaissance des compétences de la main d’oeuvre.

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With more than 650M active users right now, LinkedIn is the only social media resolutely geared towards professionals, especially from an inter-company (B2B) perspective. Popular with recruiters and job seekers alike, Linkedin is also a powerful sales tool when used for research, networking and prospect acquisition.

In this training, we will focus on:

  • Understanding the role of LinkedIn in the social media and digital content chessboard for your brand;
  • The importance of completing a professional profile and the tips to achieve it;
  • The features to know for a dynamic corporate presence;
  • Knowing how to network and develop new relationships relevant to your reality;
  • Finding the content and create it on the Linkedin platform to establish your credibility and leadership in your field or industry.

Using concrete cases, we will look at examples to follow (or avoid).

Book this training for my group