It’s almost March 8th, which means International Women’s Day. To mark the event this year, I thought I would share with you my top 10 women who rock the social media sphere.
These ladies share a common trait: they are passionate, experts in their respective field and share generously their knowledge through blogs, tweets, webinars and/or other social media outlets. I learn a great deal hearing or reading them, so if you don’t know them or don’t follow them, get your notepad ready! Here they are:
Mari Smith
A household name in the social media strategy sphere, Mari is a true expert in all things related to Facebook marketing. She is co-author of “Facebook Marketing: an hour a day” and author of “The New Relationship Marketing”, host of a popular blog on and if there is one person to follow on Facebook, it’s Mari: she has over 90,000 fans on her page!
A great place to read tips and hear the latest in Facebook changes – and we all know how that alone can keep a person busy full-time… You can join the 187,000+ followers to catch up on her tweets @MariSmith
Heidi Cohen
Talk about someone who practices what she preaches! The tagline on Heidi’s website and blog reads as follows: actionable marketing expert. If you follow her on twitter @HeidiCohen or if you read her blog, that’s exactly what you get: experience-based marketing tips, solid and business-related advice that can be put into practice immediately.
Heidi touches upon various topics related to social media marketing, content marketing and strategy, and she has a couple of ebooks available for free. Her blog has been voted into Social Media Examiner’s Top 10 blogs for two years in a row now, so there’s always great content there.
Gini Dietrich
Gotta love the name for Gini’s blog: Spin Sucks! It’s also what I have come to appreciate about her style, either in writing or on video. She says it like it is, or at least as she thinks it is, and she bases her arguments on solid observation and real-life experience.
Her topics cover content marketing and social media for Public Relations professionals, yet any marketer will appreciate the tips and knowledge shared on her blog or via her twitter handle @GiniDietrich
Amy Porterfield
Just like Mari Smith, but with a different twist, if you want to know everything there is to know about Facebook marketing, Amy Porterfield is the right person to follow. With her real-life experience as a marketer with brands such as Harley Davidson and Tony Robbins, she shares her social media knowledge, strategies and tactics on a variety of influential blogs such as Mashable, Forbes or Huffington Post, as well as on her blog and numerous free webinars offered throughout the year. Join the 30,000+ subscribers to her Facebook page or follower on twitter @FB_Influence
Amber Naslund
One of the first blogs I ever subscribed to a couple of years ago was Brass Tack Thinking, which is written by Amber Naslund, also co-author of “The Now Revolution” (with Jay Baer). I have always appreciated her no-nonsense approach to discussing marketing, PR, social media strategy or communications topics, all with a very personal perspective.
You can join her 52,000+ followers on twitter @AmberCadabra
Andrea Vahl
This is the only person on this list who actually “suffers” from a split personality! Andrea Vahl, on one side, is author of “Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies”, hosts a very influential blog, guest blogs on numerous industry blogs and is Community Manager for Social Media Examiner.
On the other side, there’s Grandma Mary… well, they’re both the same person, really, and they both share useful tips on social media strategy, in particular on how to manage one’s presence on key social media platforms, i.e. Linkedin, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, etc. Check out her blog or follow Andrea on twitter @AndreaVahl
Viveka von Rosen
If you hear or search for terms such as Linkedin rock star, Linkedin expert or Linkedin authority, odds are you will come across Viveka von Rosen. She is the author of “Linkedin Marketing an hour a day” and truly is the go-to person for everything and anything related to Linkedin.
She often creates video tutorials that are actually better and more dynamic than those produced by LinkedIn! Her blog is appropriately called Linked Into Business and you can participate in her popular tweet chat #LinkedinChat every Tuesday evenings at 8pm EST, co-moderated by @SteveCassady. You can join her 47,000+ followers on twitter @LinkedInExpert
Ann Handley
If you are interested in content marketing, how and why it applies within business strategies, then you must be familiar with Ann Handley. She is co-author of one of the best books ever published on the topic, “Content Rules”, is Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs and a monthly contributor to Entrepreneur magazine.
She has over 154,000+ followers on her twitter handle @MarketingProfs where she shares golden nuggets related to social media strategies and, you guessed it, content marketing!
Kristi Hines
I discovered Kristi Hines as part of a Social Media Examiner networking club focusing on blogging. Kristi is the mastermind behind kikolani, a hugely successful blog that specializes in blog marketing and where you can find sharp blogging tips for personal and professional bloggers alike.
Lots of how-to posts, ways to enhance your writing or reach wider audiences, and much more. She is a regular contributor to various Power 150 blogs, and you can follow her on twitter @kikolani.
Tribe mates
I could not bring myself to make the final cut, as I wanted to highlight four women bloggers I have discovered in the past year thanks to Triberr. Gazalla Gaya writes on Web Content Blog where she shares tips about SEO, blogging and content marketing. Ruth Zive shares marketing strategy and resources on MarketingWise. Carol Lynn Rivera is the editor and social manager for Web.Search.Social, a great multi-author blog for all things marketing.
Mila Araujo shares her perspective on a variety of topics, not only marketing or social media related, but always with an original twist on milaspage. I have learned a great deal commenting and sharing with these four women throughout the past year, so I recommend you do the same and discover their blogs asap!
There you have it, ten women (well, 13 if you read all the way to here) with plenty of content to read, follow and share with your networks. Who else would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments section below.
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