Last week Facebook released an interesting infographic demonstrating clearly why every advertising and marketing expert ought to include its platform in present and future campaigns.
Jokes aside, there were a few insightful nuggets. Did you know for example that we now spend on average over 6:35 hours per month on Facebook? That’s about as much time as we spend on Google, Microsoft or Yahoo platforms… combined! Also, 543 million active users access Facebook via a mobile device, which represents 57% of its total user base.
Most strikingly, out of its total 955 million active users, 58% return daily! In other words, we spend lots of time on the platform, and we go there almost everyday.

Silver Lining for Facebook?
The release of this infographic, in the midst of Facebook downhill slide on the stock market, is no coincidence. In fact, the data here teeters on the verge of smoke and mirrors, rather than demonstrating true “power of advertisement”. Since its business model depends heavily on advertising revenue, in particular in the challenging mobile environment, it’s no surprise to see Facebook pitch its benefits through this slick infographic.
Indeed, there have been cases of companies increasing their brand awareness, lead generation and even direct sales as part of their Facebook advertising strategy. But they seem to be few and far in-between… What has your experience been with Facebook advertising? Do you use it as a stand-alone tactic or as a complement to your content strategy?
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