A travel destination that makes good use of Foursquare
While traveling in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean area recently, it was great to also discover how their tourism office makes good use of Foursquare.
Articles about digital marketing, tech, trends and tools for travel and hospitality brands seeking to stay on top of the game and strive in this fast-evolving landscape.
While traveling in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean area recently, it was great to also discover how their tourism office makes good use of Foursquare.
Social media is a great enhancer of engagement between brands and customers, in particular in the travel industry.
The 3 key elements of a good travel destination tagline: strong differentiation statement, emotional component, all captured in 3-4 words.
A recent study shows how companies that answer queries on Twitter can drive increased revenue and engage followers.
Key highlights from the L2 Digital IQ Index of global airline, hotel and cruise companies.
Does it still make sense to attend all the travel trade shows or will social networks cut through this traditional part of the sales cycle?
Going after markets like China, Brazil and India makes sense for Canada. The real question is: how committed are we?
Do hotels over promise & under deliver, deceiving guests along the way? Travel industry must tread carefully with expectations!