Great Example of Travel Destination Going Digital: Singapore
Singapore recently launched "handy", a great way to discover the destination while staying connected: guide, apps, games, calls and more!
Articles and thoughts about destination marketing and how travel organizations can or should adapt to evolving technologies, trends and best practices.
Singapore recently launched "handy", a great way to discover the destination while staying connected: guide, apps, games, calls and more!
The Canadian Tourism Commission recently launched its new promotional video for international audiences. What are recent trends showiing?
With social media and mobile usage on the rise, the travel process is now happening in real-time.
Quebec is split up into 22 local tourism destinations. A recent study looks into social media usage and challenges that lay ahead.
Brand USA is now investing massively to promote its destination while the Canadian Tourism Commission sees a 20% budget reduction.
Quebec City is a great place to live or visit year-round. Here are seven of my favorite events and places to enjoy during winter time!
While traveling in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean area recently, it was great to also discover how their tourism office makes good use of Foursquare.
The 3 key elements of a good travel destination tagline: strong differentiation statement, emotional component, all captured in 3-4 words.
Going after markets like China, Brazil and India makes sense for Canada. The real question is: how committed are we?