Awesome video to #MakeItCount
It's the viral sensation these days, a video that was uploaded 8 days ago and already has 4M views! Watch it & book your next trip!
It's the viral sensation these days, a video that was uploaded 8 days ago and already has 4M views! Watch it & book your next trip!
The acquisition of Instagram by Facebook, pegged at $1 billion, is undoubtedly the deal of year so far. How will it impact the way you do business?
Two recent reports highlight key industry trends for hotels in Canada and abroad.
Great video presentation summarizing key findings from travel brands in social media and mobile marketing.
Mobile traffic is increasing two to three-fold in almost every industry. How are you getting ready to embrace this ecommerce revolution?
Not attending a conference is no reason to miss out entirely on the quality content that will be shared. Here are 6 tricks to help you benefit virtually.
Best Western recently announced its new booking app for Facebook yet big brands are closing shop. Should travel brands embrace the opportunity?
Pinterest is the talk of the town in social media. What potential does it hold for travel and hospitality marketing?
1000 Facebook fans, 500,000 customers in your loyalty program, 1 million customers... Are these vanity metrics or actuelly useful indicators?