The Dangers of the Shiny New Toy Syndrome In Your Marketing
Pokémon Go is the latest example of shiny new toy many brands want to embrace to generate more buzz and sales. But do you have your basics covered?
Pokémon Go is the latest example of shiny new toy many brands want to embrace to generate more buzz and sales. But do you have your basics covered?
Travelers have different expectations nowadays, so hoteliers need to evolve accordingly. Here are 3 tech trends to look out for in 2016 and beyond!
Mall of America, with its 520 stores, is the biggest in the United States. Discover how they monitor and engage with customers on social media!
Travel agents were supposed to become extinct when online travel solutions appeared. Lo and behold, agencies are still around! Here are 4 reasons why.
Facebook remains the most important social media, even with Millenials. Here some key new features to take into consideration for your online marketing.
A recent study by Cornell University confirms yet again how important it is to answer online reviews. But only to a certain extent, apparently!
A recent report shows just how much smartphones and tablets impact travel bookings. And we will share our thoughts on Facebook this summer too!
From Marriott to Hilton, and many independent hoteliers in between, the message is getting clearer: book direct and save. Are consumers listening?
Millenials, or travelers aged 18 to 35, represent the biggest cohort out there, at almost 80 million. Here are some key trends for travel brands.