KISS: Keep It Significant and Shareable
Keeping it short and straight to the point is always a good way to get a message across. With social media, it's also about being shareable!
Keeping it short and straight to the point is always a good way to get a message across. With social media, it's also about being shareable!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Marketing (SEM), Email Marketing, and Social Media Marketing: the holy trinity of a digital travel marketing strategy!
Trying to follow Facebook changes can be an overwhelming task, yet we need to understand the implications. Same goes for Linkedin and most social networks...
Google Travel estimated 25% of all online travel search was made through a mobile device at the end 2012. This number now stands at 40%! How are travel brands adapting?
The peer-to-peer movement is shaking up the travel industry, with AirBnB leading the way. More than a trend, this is a paradigm shift in the hospitality sphere!
It's summertime and many are on vacation. For the travel & hospitality industry folks, it's an active time online and on various social platforms!
Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) are facing four key disruptors changing the travel industry landscape. Adapting their business model now means survival...
Big data is set to impact the tourism industry, but what is it exactly? Volume of information, but also variety, velocity and veracity. Or the four Vs.
Canada keeps losing ground as a tourism destination, despite yearly global increases of international visitors. Why is this happening and what can be done to buck the trend?